Monday, May 31, 2010

Question of the Week #1

So, I had the idea to ask a question every week, and let you guys answer. I have no clue if this is a meme somewhere already, but if there is, let me know so I can give credit/have an awesomer name. :)

For the first week, I'll do something easy.

This is the month I usually start my annual reread of the Harry Potter series. I've decided to put that off for a couple of months since the Deathly Hallows movie isn't coming out until November... But! Since I'm in a Harry Potter mood right now:

1. Which Harry Potter novel is your absolute favorite? 
2. Which is your least favorite?
3. Which movie do you like best?
4. Which movie do you like least?

My answers are:
1. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix
2. Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets
3. Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince
4. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

How about you guys? Leave your answers in the comments!


  1. 1. Which Harry Potter novel is your absolute favorite?

    Goblet of Fire!

    2. Which is your least favorite?

    Chamber of Secrets

    3. Which movie do you like best?

    Goblet of Fire

    4. Which movie do you like least?

    Chamber of Secrets

    Wow that was all very unoriginal LOL

  2. 1. Prisoner of Azkaban/Deathly Hallows
    2. Order of the Phoenix
    3. Half-Blood Prince
    4. Order of the Phoenix

  3. Goblet of Fire *used* to be my favorite book, but OotP has creeped on up there. Deathly Hallows has potential, but it needs more re-reads.

  4. 1. Deathly Hallows (super epic and lovely!)
    2. Prizoner Of Azkeban (all the time change thing was messy in the book)
    3. Order of the Phoenix (second to HBP)
    4. Prizoner of Azkeban



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